Yoni Steam Tea - Forbidden Fruits Herbal

Yoni Steam Tea

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8oz herbal jar with herbal mix and 15 empty tea bags. Allows you to make your tea at your own pace.

16oz herbal jar with herbal mix and 30 tea bags. Allow you to make MUCH more tea and get the optimal effect of natural herbs

Recommended to drink 2 to 3 times a day.

Herbal mixture consist of the following:

 Marigold- cleansing of the uterus. Used to support health of hardened uterus. Regulates menstrual bleeding and relieving cramps.

MotherWort- Used in chinese medicine to treat menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

Wild Yam Root- supports healthy menstruation and ovarian health. Treats ovarian cysts.

Motherwort- used for the absence of menstrual periods, intestinal gas (flatulence), and over-active thyroid.

Rose petals- alleviates the symptoms of PMS by reducing irritability and menstrual cramps. Rose petals can also soothe an ailing stomach by reducing nausea, lessening hyperacidity, and healing stomach ulcers and cysts.

Mugwort- irregular periods and other menstrual problems.

Plaintain leaf- is used for bladder infections, bronchitis, colds, and irritated or bleeding hemorrhoids.

Wormwood- kills worms and parasites. Also mentioned in new testament and old testament.